Take Initiative

Pharmacie Canadienne. Achetez Sur Internet Maintenant. Livraison Gratuite. Tout Invité Pouvant Acheter Gratuitement à L’intérieur De La Pharmacie Régionale De Votre Propriété Sur Ce Site [URRLL] Facilement. Vous N’avez Pas Besoin D’ordonnance Pour Obtenir Les Capsules. Soutien Agréable Et Meilleure Offre Pour Tous Les Invités.

1. Send emails.

Don’t tell people that you want to talk to to email you. Chances are they won’t do it. Ask for a business card if you really want to get in touch with this person. If they ask for yours and don’t give you their info, they aren’t going to talk to you. Move on. Take your time to send impressive emails. Use complete sentences, hyperlinks to your content, and attachments as needed. The first email you send is your pitch. Don’t overwhelm someone, but give enough information and content that they can know exactly what you are about. If you have to give them 10 different youtube links to see all the different venues you’ve played at, compile a demo video which has clips from different ones. Send at least one good picture for reference. Don’t leave room for them to ask questions. Write such a compelling email that they have no choice but to follow up with you.

2. Follow People.

Follow people on social media. Your numbers won’t grow if you choose to follow nobody. Don’t be stingy. You don’t need to follow the world, but follow the people close to you. Follow the people you meet for the time being. If you can’t stand their feed after a week or so, go ahead and unfollow. You need to show a beginning interest though. You actually never know what gems you will find.

3. Take Pictures & Tag People.

Document everything. When you are at an event, make sure you are taking pictures with your fans. Take pictures with the random people you don’t know that were dancing on the floor. Take pictures with the DJ. Take pictures with the bartender. Take pictures on your phone and get people’s social media. Each person has a social media of choice albeit Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or the good old printed photo album at home. You can then tag these people later online and keep in contact with people who are potentially new fans.

4. Find places.

Find venues, events, locations. The House of Blues is not going to call you to play there. You need to do your research and find local events in your area that you can play at. There are plenty of places that do not charge you to play or do not require ticket sales. Community art walks are a good place to start. Look at where other bands or artists similar to your style have performed at or showcased.

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